Testimonial: Alison Awes

My success would not have been possible without significant assistance from the Mario Montessori 75 Fund. For this financial support I will always be grateful.  

As part of my training, I spent two academic year courses in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with Allyn Travis. The MM75 funding supported most of my living expenses and health insurance while I was in Milwaukee. Further, the funding enabled me to follow the program without needing to jeopardise the ownership of my Saint Paul home, where I have since returned. Perhaps most importantly, I was able to concentrate full time on my studies, rather than need to work as a course assistant or hold another job while also following an extremely rigorous course of study.  As a result, I was able to finish the Training of Trainers Programme in approximately two and one half years. This never would have been possible without your generous help.

My Montessori experiences have provided the structure for my outlook on life, as until the age of twelve I was a Montessori child. I do believe with all of my heart the words of Dr. Montessori, that the child is both a hope and promise for the future of humankind. I plan to impact many more children through the training of their teachers than I would be able to do as a classroom teacher. As a result, I believe that we may continue to make important strides toward global change.

I am eager to put my wonderful experiences gained in the Training of Trainers Programme to work right away. I was thrilled to direct my first course, in the three-summer format, in 2010 at the Montessori Training Center of Minnesota.  

With gratitude for your generosity.

Alison Awes, AMI 6–12 Trainer, United States and United Kingdom