Testimonial: Connie Black

Throughout my career as a Montessori guide, I have worked to advocate for all children, making Montessori more broadly accessible to the most vulnerable. I knew that I could ultimately touch more children by working with the adults who would work with more children than I ever could in the Children’s House.  

Being accepted into the Training of Trainers Programme was the realisation of a very long term goal that had percolated for many years. For a very long time, it was outside the realm of possibility for me for financial reasons. Against the advice of the Training Group, I worked full time during my process, because I was dependent on the income.

The loan from the MM75 Fund made it possible for me to step away from my role as Course Assistant for a year to sit the course and complete much of my writing. Without that year, and that financial support, I’m not sure I would have been able to complete the process. I am still working to make Montessori more readily accessible, and now with the voice of an AMI Trainer

I will be forever grateful that the MM75 Fund was there not only for me, but also for all the children I will now be able to touch in my new role.

Connie Black, AMI 3–6 Trainer, United States